Compact Layout in Salesforce
Compact layout:
Compact layouts are used in the mobile app and some Chatter feed items to display a record's key fields at a glance. You can select and prioritize up to ten fields for the compact layout, but the number of fields that display may vary based on the device's screen, which record page is being viewed, and the permissions of the user.
How to create and assign a compact layout to an object:
Step 1: Go to setup and then object manager. Choose your desired object and click on "Compact Layout" from the left sidebar. Then click the "New" button.
Step 2: Choose the fields you wanted to show in a compact layout.
Step 3: Click "Compact Layout Assignment" and then click on "Edit Assignment".
Step 4: Choose "Primary compact layout" and "Save" it.
Step 5: Your compact layout assignment is completed now. When you go to details of the record you can show the layout.
How to assign compact layouts for different Record Types:
Step 1: I have two record types and two compact layouts here. The compact layouts are given bellow:
Step 2: Go to "Compact Layout Assignment" and assign compact layout to the record types.
Step 3: Successfully assign compact layouts to the record types.
Compact layout for In Student Record Type
Compact layout for Out Student Record Type
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